Willkommen, Bienvenu, Welcome

2 Conversations

Welcome to H2G2!!

What you have to remember is that this guide is large.....very, very large....mindbogglingly large in fact. Don't let that put you off. There is something for just about everyone here. We are a friendly buch and anyone will help you out.

I felt intimidated when I first joined and I spent a while just looking but I didn't really do much until I plucked up the courage to try and change my homepage and as a consequence taught myself how to use html and GuideML for which I am eternally grateful to the Guide. I then had enough confidence to write some articles and also engage myself in the 'fantasy world' side of the guide. After a while having fun I was allowed to become an ACE and decided to dedicate myself to welcoming new users.

So don't hesitate to ask any questions, no matter how trivial they seem , it's part of my role as an ACE. If I don't know the answer I will know how to find out. Welcome once again - if you use the links below you will get a flavour of what this thing is all about....basically life itself I guess.


Take a look at some guide entries and see if you can add to the collection. If you feel there is a subject you can write about try doing a search first to see what already exists. I recommend you visit here before you get going:
These are new ventures designed to encourage writing , you might like to check them out:

Also I don't know if you've realised it yet, but the guide is about more than guide entries. Try these links to make new friends or even get a virtual job. I did.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/C572 the world of h2g2 - the university is to be highly recommended if you have a particular area of interest. Enrol today!!
Also there are some interesting things going on around here:
The Aces' Home Page is at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/Aces
There's a page at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/Welcome for people who have just
If you are wondering how to make your user page cool and exciting you might like to check out Bruce's GuideML clinic at:
Where all your questions will (probably) be answered.
If all else fails try the help centre:

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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