A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback - Feature Suggestions

Friends list

Post 1


Can it be possible to add those little 'online' eyes near the names of Researchers who are in you friends list and online at the same time?

I love these 'online' eyes smiley - biggrin

Friends list

Post 2

Icy North

What, these online eyes? smiley - online2long

Friends list

Post 3


smiley - cdouble

Friends list

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit with redundant eyes
"They do not mean anything smiley - biggrin I am just always online (as long as the SSO server is)"

Friends list

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

You could put this link

<LINK H2G2="online?orderby=name&amp;thissite=1" POPUP="1">HooToo Online

on your PS, at least it'll only show hootooers who are online. smiley - ok

Friends list

Post 6

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

I've wondered about this too, I guess if there's two us who would be interested in this there must be others. smiley - smiley

Friends list

Post 7

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I reckon it's a top idea.

Friends list

Post 8

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - rolleyes Well, I guess I will go with it, although I tend to know from the limited threads I subscribe to!

I'' go with the consensus!

smiley - groan I know that is boring!


smiley - musicalnote

Friends list

Post 9

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

smiley - shhh man, you ain't boring!

Friends list

Post 10

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

*sulks in the corner* smiley - erm I'm sure I remember me, or someone else suggesting this, or something very simular in the HooToo suggestions pages years ago... but I don't think anyone ever read those pages anyhow smiley - erm well... maybe they did but never very seriously.... smiley - erm It'd be nice if the userlist was divided into two sections on each users PS (for pusposes of when that user, whilst logged in was looking at their own PS), an upper list of 'friends' who werne't online, and a list underneath with those who were online with the eyes next them to show as such smiley - erm or something... maybe... smiley - erm

Friends list

Post 11

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Ooo, yes please!

Friends list

Post 12

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi all
you all should know what the answer would be by now, not enough resources to do it, other things that are more important.
getting a new smiley nowadays is a trial on its own.
we are losing things yearly so new ones arnt on the cards,360 gone, dna messaging gone, main buffy threads gone,
you might as well ask for the blue freinds list ones on line to show red or something when on line. smiley - peacedove jim

Friends list

Post 13


Well the online information is available at the same time as the U-number page with its friends list is sent. So the opportunity is there to rewrite just the skin part to show that. Which means that were Jim Lynn to be bored and to be in favour of the idea (I'm not sure of his views on online eyes) then he could add it to his pet project - the plain skin. Adding it to the older skins isn't realistically going to happen and the current skin of brunel is much more likely to require official sanction to change.

Oddly enough, the online information doesn't appear to be available when the Watch page version of the friends list is sent. So it would be harder to add online eyes to that.

Friends list

Post 14


Seems a sensible idea to me...

Friends list

Post 15

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

its sensible, and as i said,are the powers that be interested in even giving it a thought.
the only thing ive seen in the last month or so that even seems to have got a lookin is the linking the front page to the ps.
i noticed a thread again on the subject of having personal pictures on the ps,its seems to come up once each year, and the same answer, not possible.
if it was possible to itemise the things, in the 5 yrs ive been on, that researchers have surgested, you would find hardly any as been taken anywhere.
is the site for the researchers, or the ones that run it,we dont have a say,or it goes into oblivion smiley - peacedove jim

Friends list

Post 16


Well it wouldn't be sensible to add the online eyes as graphics to the plain skin - because it's meant to be as low on junk as possible! Doing the friend text in a different colour or adding some minimal text indication next to the names would be more appropriate. Faking eyes in text using the basic character set is a bit limiting:

but an old-fashioned text smiley might do the job - at least for those who aren't hopelessly young and thus think all smileys have to be graphics. Of course the online eyes (or asterisks on the MBs) themselves repeatedly have to be explained to people anyway.

Friends list

Post 17

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi sef
why not ask for a online looking smiley to appear as they come online,as i said even getting new smileys is a task on its own.lol
the seperate online link to the space, is what i look for, and what isnt being thought of, is even if it shows online, some dont sogn off, and others take a while after leaving h2g2 to leave the online web or link.
the only way to tell if anyone is online at the moment, is the alabaster skin to see when last posted, or see what the last message was.and when.
but that sometimes isnt usefull as some tend to go on the (ican)network or private messaging side. smiley - peacedove jim

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