How To Find A New Flat In A Hurry

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Sometimes you don't get much notice of when you need to move house. Or sometimes you only have one free weekend for flat hunting. Or maybe you just don't like flat hunting and want to get it all over with in one day. Whatever your reasons for wanting to find a new flat in a hurry, this entry is here to help you.


Preparation is important if you want to find a new flat in a hurry. Internet research is very useful, looking on property sites to find flats in the area you are moving to to find the level of rent you can expect to pay and the quality of the flats, including whether they are generally furnished or unfurnished. This can help avoid unpleasant surprises when you actually see some flats. It is also an idea to get some references organised, from your employer and your current landlord, as you will need these when you come to rent your new flat.

Another vital piece of preparation is working out what area you would like your new flat to be in. Does it need to be within walking distance of the shops? Or close to the train station? Or would you rather be out of the centre of town, with off street parking and a garden? Another consideration is whether you're happy to be on the ground floor, or whether you're happy to climb seemingly endless flights of stairs to reach your home. It's useful to have a picture of the right location in your mind, although be prepared to have a degree of flexibility about this if possible.

On The Day

On the day set aside for flat hunting, leave home early to get to the estate agents as they open. You might need the whole day to find a flat, and you need to give yourself as much time as possible. You might have researched which estate agents you want to visit beforehand, but don't let this stop you from having a drive1 around the area to see what estate agents there are, in case you need to visit them all. Take a tape measure with you, especially if viewing unfurnished flats, so you can measure up for furniture and fittings.

When in the estate agents, tell them exactly what you want, being as specific as possible, but make it clear that you can be flexible. The more flexible you can be, the easier it will be to find a flat. If they offer you a visit to a flat it's wise to go and have a look. Even if you don't think the flat will be right for you, it's always useful to have seen a few for comparison purposes. Just because the estate agent's description may make it sound less than perfect, doesn't mean you won't like it when you see it.

If the current tenant is in the flat when you look round, it might be an idea to have a quick chat with them. Ask them which furniture is theirs and which stays in the flat, so you know what you'll need to bring with you. Ask them about any problems they've had in the flat, if the neighbours are noisy, and what the landlord's like2. Try all the taps, both hot and cold water, as you don't want to have moved in before you find that the water pressure in the shower is non-existent.

If you have time, it's a good idea to see the area your potential new flat is in at night, to see if you'll feel safe there. If not, have a look at the street lamps (or lack of), especially if you know you'll be walking around the area in after dark. If you don't drive, it's also a good idea to try out the trip to work/university from your potential new flat as a journey that looks easy enough on a map might involve five changes of bus, or crossing a main road that will take you half an hour to get across each morning and evening.

Never go for the first flat you see before you've seen at least one other. It can be tempting to sign up there and then as you are in a hurry, and this flat is perfectly OK. However, it's wise to view at least one other flat, even from a different estate agent, so you have something to compare the first flat to. Take your time to think things through over lunch, and decide whether you want to take one of the morning's flats or whether to continue the hunt in the afternoon. It's useful to have someone with you while flat hunting, so you can bounce opinions off each other to help you decide which flat is for you. Having a look around the area surrounding your potential new home is also a good idea - you might be happier with a less-than-perfect flat in a great area than your ideal home that is miles away from the shops, or right next to a motorway.

When you do decide on a flat, you'll need some paperwork with you. All estate agents are different, but generally it's wise to have your references, your latest pay slip, and your bank account details on you while flat hunting. You will also need your cheque book, as you will be asked for a deposit at this stage. Once everything is signed and sealed, you might want to ask if you can get in to the flat again, to take measurements for any furniture or fixtures you may need, if you didn't do this during your first viewing. This might not be possible, especially if the previous tenant is still in residence, but it's worth asking.


So you've chosen your new flat, and now you're back home in your old flat thinking about it. Don't think about it too much, you're bound to start doubting yourself. Just remember, it was the best of the flats you saw, and you didn't have time to view any others, so therefore you made the right choice. You can now begin buying anything you might need for furnishing your new flat, and starting the process of telling all your utility companies and friends that you are moving3.

All that's left to say is good luck with the move, and enjoy your new flat!

1A car is really indispensable for flat hunting - you'll need it to get around all the estate agents, and to get you to the flats you will be viewing. If you don't drive, get your parents or a friend with a car to come with you and act as chauffeur.2Bearing in mind that they might not tell you the whole truth if they can only move out once a replacement tenant can be found.3Although you may want to wait until you have signed the contract and picked up the keys, as in theory it could still fall through until you do so.

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