The Italian Job

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This 1969 comedy caper stars Michael Caine and Noel Coward, with bit parts being filled in by many big names including Benny Hill and Robert Powell, in addition to Caine's younger brother. The story revolves around Caine's character and the plan he inherits to heist a truck load of gold bullion belonging to the Fiat corporation from its secure convoy in the streets of Turin by creating the biggest traffic jam ever seen. The plan sees the criminals escaping through the streets of Turin in three specially prepared Mini Coopers (reluctantly donated by their manufacturers for the film - during production many were destroyed).

The film has aquired cult status in England aided no doubt by the brilliant performances of the actors, the stunning car chase and - without wishing to spoil it for any one unlucky enough not have seen it yet - a true cliffhanger ending. This status has been re-enforced recently due to the parody advert for V2 and scenes from the film appearing in the video for The Stereophonics' song 'Pick a Part That's New'.

As well as the film, an Italian Job Rally was created in 1980. This is run by around one hundred cars each year, all of which must be models which appeared in the film. The rally, although a fun event, raises great amounts of money for the National Children's Home charity in England.

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