A Conversation for The Polyglot Plaza

Sveedish korner

Post 61

Titania (gone for lunch)

My fingers are itching to add another dish to this smörgåsbord, tempted by the recent conversation...

...but I think I'll settle with having my user name Moderated (caused it myself, fully aware of why) - for now, at least...smiley - winkeye

Sveedish korner

Post 62

Santragenius V

Oh, T - you look a bit different. Is it a new hairdo - or something non-British you ate...? smiley - winkeye

Sveedish korner

Post 63

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'm not sure I looked good in it - I'm trying out a new 'do'...

...although I might go back to the sourpuss one if I decide to sulk again...smiley - silly

Sveedish korner

Post 64

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, I thought the Peer Moderation thing is worth celebrating - but just in case, I thought I'd check the House Rules to see if any changes had been made - and the paragraph about postings in a 'foreign' (to whom?) language looked slightly different from the way I remember it:

Postings or entries containing languages other than English may be removed. Because we have to ensure we understand a Posting or Guide Entry before we can pass it, languages other than English may have to be removed. It's also polite when posting to a Conversation to stick to the same language as the other Postings in that Conversation; posting something in a different language halfway through is not very constructive.

Well, posting about food in any other language than Swedish in *this* particular conversation thread would not be very constructive, would it now?smiley - silly

Let's have a Scandinavian smörgåsbord! [smorgasbord]

Gravlax [gravlax]
Kallrökt lax [salmon smoked cold]
Inlagd sill [pickled herring]
Vildchips ['wild' chips - thin flakes of dried and smoked meat of reindeer, deer and moose]
Köttbullar [Swedish meatballs]
Janssons frestelse [Jansson's temptation]
Potatissallad [potato salad]
Potatisgratäng [potato gratin]
smiley - strawberries

Anyone contributing with drinks?

Sveedish korner

Post 65

Santragenius V


And øl: smiley - ale

(I reckon that throwing in a little Danish won't hurt smiley - winkeye)

So you need at least:
Varm leverpostej m/bacon & champignon

and as for herring, I'd suggest:
and possibly
Kryddersild ("red" pickled herring)

Ummmmmmm - yummy smiley - biggrin

Sveedish korner

Post 66

Titania (gone for lunch)

Eh - what's Mörbradböffer?smiley - huh

Sveedish korner

Post 67

Santragenius V

Took me a while to figure out - not that I don't know what they are, only I didn't know how to explain them.... (and three days in the UK without online time but with RL meeting Pierce didn't accelerate it, either)

"Mørbradbøffer" are 2-3 cm thick slices of pork sirloin which you gently "hammer" more flat, preferably with the base of you hand (though somebody uses a meat hammer thingy). Roast on a hot pan, serve with onion and champignon, also done on the pan. Yummy smiley - smiley

Sveedish korner

Post 68



Sveedish korner

Post 69

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ta för dig, Ottox!smiley - smiley [Help yourself, Ottox!smiley - smiley]

Sveedish korner

Post 70


Mmmmmm... mørbradbøffer... *dreams* smiley - bigeyes

Sveedish korner

Post 71

Titania (gone for lunch)

Törs man testa att skriva på svenska?

Sveedish korner

Post 72

Santragenius V

"Someone I know" has tried in Danish elsewhere, just a tiny wee bit with a translation smiley - winkeye

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