Good Races

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Introduction: Humans are the most common race in Imardin. Almost every single Magician in the guild is a human. Often they are intelligent, and quick to learn.

Appearance: Humans stand in at about 4'11' to 6'7''. They can be strong, thin, weak, fat, humans are the most diverse race.

Habitat: They live in many areas, most live in cities, some live in the country. The Human race has a tendency of developing communities in which to live in.


Introduction: Half-Elves are the offspring of a human and an elf. They seem like elves to humans, and like humans to elves, they are gifted with the strength of their human parent, and the lithness of their elven parent. Half Elves are considered a good race. Not quite accepted by wither race, half elves inherit traits from both of their parents. From their elven parents, they gain an increase in there dexterity and thus can see well in the dark. Yet they retain much of the hardiness of their human heritage, and are thus stronger and more sturdy than most elves.

Appearance: They are about 5' to 6' in heighth. They can be muscular or slim. There hair is normally all black, showing that they are a half breed.

Habitat: Some half-elves live in Imardin, although none are in the Magicians guild..because although they retain the magic from there elven ancestors, it's all about nature.

High Elves:

Introduction: Another form of the elves. They are considered the more wiser race. They are weak in the form of physical, but extremely strong in all other forms of magic.

Appearance: Like all elves, high elves are tall, proud people of a magical nature. Set aside by their pointed ears and graceful countenance, high elves live incredibly long lives and are often skilled in magic and lore. However, it is rare to see a muscular elf.

Habitat: High Elves live in the forests, although not directly being accustomed by there magic in nature like there bretheren.

Wood Elves:

Introduction: Wood elves are the loving race. They care about everything...even people whom are evil hoping they will see the light. They are natures children, using only what they need. Killing animals only that they need to eat or need to use there fur.

Appearance: 5' to 6'. They are normally wearing clothing made from the wilderness. They have light hair, and blue eyes...most of the time.

Habitat: They live in the forests, some around Imardin...most in a different country. The Wood Elves designed there own homes up in the treetops keeping them safe from attack.


Introduction: Dwarves are a very stout race. They are extremely strong and of course short...The Dwarves are known for there mining skills and creation of there fine materials used by metals.

Appearance: 3' to 5' they are extremely short. Of course they are covered almost in hair...long beards and long hair. You can't really derfitiant between the females and males of the race. Dwarves are a small, but hardy race. Dwarves are mainly considered as very short but powerful warriors, easily handling creature 5 times there size. Considered a good race with the orcs as their mortal enemy.

Habitat: Underground or in mountains, is where you will fine all the dwarves. They spend most of there time mining the ground for precious metals to build anything they need. Once they are finished with a mine most of the time they will move into it and use it as a living quarters.

Halflings (Hobbits):

Introduction: Halflings don't like to impose themselves on other races, keeping to themselves as you will. They are short and always merry.

Appearance: Halflings are shorter than dwarves, and not of the same tough physical build as them. Halflings enjoy the simple pleasures of life, food, music and wine. Dispite their outward appearance, halflings are quick witted and light footed, and deep within lies a resilience that most never know about.

Habitat: They live in holes...enough said...


Introduction: The barbarian normally live in the frozen Northlands. Not a very magical race, Barbarians are one of the best warriors you can see. Barbarians are a large race, similar to the troll and ogre, for the purposes of wearing armor, and get a fairly high starting strength and stamina.

Appearance: Extremely tall race, 6' to 8'. They are extremely muscular. Barbarians having living in the Northern lands can endure heavy amounts of cold.

Habitat: Barbarians live in the frozen northernlands. They wear only what they need to live there. Most of the time they live in caves or sides of the mountains to keep away from the freezing cold winds.

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