Frank Herbert's Dune Universe

4 Conversations

Frank Herbert wrote one of the most all encompassing novels, and series, of Science Fiction. The Dune Chronicles take place over a period of thousands of years and deal with sociopolitical, economic, religious, and human themes that are wrapped together in a mosaic so complex that you must read the novels multiple times to start understanding their meanings.

I have started to compile a listing of the Dune Universe. Please let me know if you agree or disagree with any of the definitions. Also, if you have something to add, then please let me know. My goal is to achieve a definitive H2G2 source for Dune information.



Bene Gesserit

A leg of the tripod that enforces the Great Convention. This order is composed entirely of females. They are known for their mental and physical prowess. The Bene Gesserit revolve around a breeding program in which they keep track of specific bloodlines in the hope of achieving a male Bene Gesserit. A Kwisatz Haderach.

Bene Tleilax

Known for their active research into the forbidden areas of cloning, DNA manipulation, and the provision of artificial limbs. They are shunned by all, even those using their products. Usually referred to as "Dirty Tleilax".

Breeding Program

The Bene Gesserit program which follows specific bloodlines in the goal of achieving a male Bene Gesserit. A Kwisatz Haderach.

Butlerian Jihad

Also known as the "Great Revolt". The Jihad destroyed all "thinking machines", computers, and androids. With ramifications reaching into the current Dune universe, some 10,000 years later. The main tenant of the Jihad is "thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of the human mind."



Short for the Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles. This is a universal development corporation with the Great Houses owning a revokable percentage of the "companies" shares. The Imperial throne currently holds a majority of the shares. CHOAM directorships are greatly sought after.


The sacred knife of the Fremen. It is a tooth of a sandworm made into a knife. Fremen tradition states that once drawn it cannot be sheathed without drawing blood. Another Fremen tradition states that if someone other than a Fremen sees the blade, that person must be cleansed or killed.



The planet known as Arrakis to the Imperium is know as Dune to the Fremen. An inhospitable planet covered entirely in sand. The only place in the universe where the Spice is found.



Fremen death commandos.


The natives of Arrakis. These are a quasi-nomadic group who work outside the urban areas of Arrakis. Fremen are know for their fanatical fighting. All Fremen have the "Blue within Blue" eyes of spice addiction.


Great Convention

States that any Great House which uses it's house atomics on humans will be obliterated by all other Great Houses. This convention is enforced by the Landsraad, the Bene Gesserit, and the Spacing Guild.

Great House

The Dune universe is based on a feudal system. A Great House is a family that runs an entire planet or planetary system.


House Atomics

The atomic weapons that each Great House has to help enforce the Great Convention.

House Atreides

A Great House based off the planet Caladan. Put in charge of the quasi-fief Arrakis at the beginning of the Dune series. Well know members include Paul Atreides (Muad'Dib), Duke Leto Atreides (father of Paul), and Duke Paulus (a.k.a. The Old Duke and grandfather of Paul). The Bene Gesserit Lady Jessica, mother to Paul and concubine of Duke Leto Atreides II plays a major role in the Dune Universe along with her son Paul.

House Corrino

The Imperial House based off of the planet Kaitan. The current Padishah Emperor is Shaddam IV.

House Harkonnen

A Great House based off the planet Geidi Prime. The current fief holders of Arrakis at the beginning of Dune and mortal enemies of House Atreides. Count Vladimir Harkonnen is the head, with Feyd-Ruatha and Rabban Harkonnen as the heir apparents. House Harkonnen's goals are the greater amassment of Spice and the death of all things Atreides.

House Minor

There are multiple minor houses on each planet. These houses may be equated to the countries of earth.



The technological planet of the Imperium. IX makes the technology used by everyone else.



The current seat of Imperial power.

Kwisatz Haderach

Also known as "Shortening of the Way". A male able to go through the Bene Gesserit Agony. This person would be able to see both male and female memories along with transcending the barriers of space and time to see the future.



The equivalent of an upper house in a democracy. Members include all of the Great Houses.



Also know as Spice. A geriatric spice which imparts longer lifespans to frequent users at the risk of addiction. This spice is also linked to the prescient abilities of Guild Navigators and the Bene Gesserit. Guild Navigators use the Spice to plot the paths of ships through interstellar space. The Bene Gesserit use the Spice Essence in the ritual to become a Reverend Mother. The Spice is also used for it's abilities to heighten the senses. Spice addiction is denoted by "Blue within Blue" eyes. Spice is the most valuable substance in the universe and is only found on the desert planet Arrakis.


A human who has trained the brain to act as an organic computer. Mentats are able to combine supreme logic with facts to achieve remarkable conclusions.



A Fremen leader. It also refers to one who has sworn never to be taken hostage.


Other Memory

The previous female memories of a Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother.


Reverend Mother

A Bene Gesserit who has gone through the ritual of The Agony. These woman have powerful insight, along with the ability to view previous female lifetimes. This term is also used by the Fremen to describe a religious leader of the tribe who can change the Water of Life.


Salusa Secundus

Previous Imperial planet and still the home planet of House Corrino. A planet much like Dune without the Spice or sandworms.


Giant worms that live in the desert sands of Dune. Some worms have been measured at 400 meters. Little is known of these animals. What is known is that any rhythmic sounds on the desert sand, such as walking, will bring a worm. Once a worm surfaces it's sole goal is to destroy whatever is making the rhythmic sound. The Fremen refer to the sandworms as Shai-Hulud, the old man of the desert, and revere them as an earth god.


The warrior fanatic elite troops of the Imperial House. Their training is reputed to have a 60% death rate. Any Sardaukar is estimated as the equivalent of ten regular troopers.


A defense mechanism that uses the Holtzman Effect to stop fast moving objects before they hit the target. A shield will allow a slow moving object in.


Fremen cave warrens used as community bases of operation.

Spacing Guild

One leg of the tripod that enforces the Great Convention. The guild controls all interstellar commerce and space travel. Guild Navigators use the spice Melange to enter a trancelike state where they plot the safe passage of ships through the universe.

Spice Essence

A concentrated poison made by submerging a Sandworm in water and drowning it. This is used in the Bene Gesserit ritual to become a Reverend Mother and the Fremen "Water of Life" ritual.


A body suit used to retrieve all water loss from a body and recycle it for the user. Without a stillsuit people would not survive on the open sands of Dune.


The Agony

Bene Gesserit ritual using the Spice Essence to unlock other memory.


A Fremen device used to call a worm. It uses a rhythmic beating on the sand to call the worm.



Bene Gesserit training which allows the users to command others using only their voice.


Water of Life

Spice Essence.

Wind Trap

Set up by the Fremen to capture wind born water and collect it for later use.

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