Third Year Divination

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Welcome, third years, to your first divination class! This year we will be studying Tasseomancy (the art of reading tea leaves), Crystal Balls, and Runes.


Tasseomancy, as you know is the art of divining the future through reading tea leaves.

Step one:

Start by making a lovely pot of tea using tea leaves instead of a tea bag. Any flavor will do. Once the tea is prepared, pour a portion of it into a mug, saucer, or even a Styrofoam cup (although aesthetically shocking, Styrofoam is acceptable for divination purposes). Do not strain the leaves out of the tea. The person whose leaves are to be read should drink the tea, leaving a small amount of liquid in the bottom of the cup, along with the leaves.

Step two:

Swirl the remaining liquid and leaves around in the cup in a clockwise direction three times, and then turn the cup upside down onto a napkin or towel, draining the last bit of tea.

Step three:

Pick up the cup and look at the pattern the leaves has created. Note any specific shapes you may see. Their distance from the rim of the cup indicates how near or far into the future the indicated events are to take place.

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