Why be a Sub-editor?

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Here's a quick introduction to the h2g2 Sub-editors scheme. It summarises the advantages of being a Sub-editor, what h2g2 gets out of you being a Sub-editor, and also covers the Sub-editors' mailing list.

Benefits of Being an h2g2 Sub-editor

We do hope that you get as much out of volunteering on h2g2 as all our other volunteers. Remember that you should be doing the work because you want to: we do hope you'll enjoy being a Sub-editor, but we will never question you if you decide that it isn't really for you. Just let us know if you change your mind, need to take a break, or would prefer to join one of our other volunteer schemes instead.

There are plenty of benefits of being a Sub-editor. Here are the main ones:

  • You get direct access to the Official Volunteers, who can help develop your critical skills and will gladly provide their editorial expertise.

  • You get access to the Sub-editors' Trello Forum (see below).

  • You get a shiny Sub-editor badge on your Personal Space, and have the right to add <./>Subeditor</.> (which appears as Subeditor) after your name when posting.

  • You get your name in the hallowed 'Edited By' slot of any Edited Entries you subedit.

  • You get a considerable amount of kudos within the h2g2 Community.

How You Can Help as an h2g2 Sub-editor

For more details, see What do the Sub-editors do?

We need the Sub-editors to help create the Guide by taking the 'raw material' produced by Researchers and turning it into high-quality Edited Entries. Without the Sub-editors, h2g2's small band of Editors would soon be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work.

We also get to discuss our development ideas with our volunteers before they become reality. Often we've changed an idea because, after debate with the volunteers, we've realised that things would be better if done differently.

  • Why Subbing is Great
  • Subbing for h2g2 can be a pretty rewarding pastime. As one Sub explains:

    After working on an entry I generally check out the author's Personal Space and, in most cases, they do not write for a living. I like that. I like to think that these people are doing it because they have an inner drive to write something for others to read. I don't like it when people just churn out any old trash for the sake of appearances.
  • Why Subbing is Sometimes Not So Great
  • In the words of another Sub:

    It can be quite wearing sometimes – entries aren't always suitable when you're given them and you can end up re-writing whole chunks. It's still rewarding to do the job well, but you wonder why the writer didn't in the first place.

The Sub-editors' Forum

We currently use an off-site forum, Trello, to which all Sub-editors and Scouts will be invited. This is a place where you can discuss specific Entries, or clarify any difficulty you may experience during your sub-editing duties. You will have contact with all the other Sub-editors and Scouts as well as the Guide Editors and other members of the Official Volunteers.

The Trello Sub-editors' board is the place where you can look for Entries that require a sub-editor, and where requests may be made.

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