Model Railways: Project Page

1 Conversation

Model Railways:
Introduction | Glossary
Scales and Gauges | Locations | Themes
Layout | Scenery
A shield depicting a football, some DIY equipment and some cutlery.

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We plan to make a copy of the entire project for safe-keeping. This is because it is the project pages themselves that are subbed (not copies, as is the case for Edited Entries), so in the unlikely event of the Sub accidentally deleting a page, we have back-ups.

The Story Behind The Article

In late 2002 Skinnylinny began writing an article on model railways, writing in his words 'about 85%'. He never finished, apparently because he had problems logging back in as himself. Skinnylinny returned to h2g2 as 'Researcher U216547', and in January 2003 wrote a related article on Train Sets. Shortly after, he left completely.

In 2013 Bluebottle decided to rescue the Model Railway article from the Flea Market. Wished to plug the original entry's gaps with Skinnylinny's own words rather than his own, he incorporated parts of the same author's Train Sets article and added some information of his own. Creating a new version, he placed this into Peer Review. The view of Peer Review was that this article was too much for one article, and that the topic would be better served by a University Project.

It is a very, very wide topic that this project only hopes to cover a basic introduction to. Hopefully in the future other researchers will wish to write more.

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